Every living being on Earth breathes. The oxygen flows to every cell and gives them the energy to function.
Breathing is much more than a simple act that sustains life. It is a bridge between body and mind – a mirror of emotional and physical health.
Breathing is one of the few bodily processes that can either be voluntary or involuntary. The inhale/exhale patterns acquired by practicing breathing exercises can become a permanent habit and modify the automatic way of breathing, creating a powerful ally to sustain us in every moment of life.

Manage your stress and anxiety!

Boost your focus and concentration!

Improve sleep quality!

Restore your mental and physical health!

About Aiva
Aiva is a professional musician and breathwork practitioner. In her mission to provide tools for reaching inner happiness and harmony, she has developed an innovative approach to breathing guides and exercises, accessible to everyone.
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Before you start...
Medical controindications
At no time you should feel dizziness, tinging of extremities, heart palpitations, muscle spasms.
If you start to feel in any way uncomfortable please stop the exercise immediately.
Breathing Music recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program.
Be particularly careful and consult your primary care physician and seek a certified professional before engaging in breathwork therapy if you have one f the following medical conditions: Asthma, Cardiovascular diseases, Detached retina, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, High Blood pressure. History of strokes and seizures, Osteoporosis, Pregnancy, Vision problems, Recent physical injuries or surgeries.