Colour breathing

Are you feeling stressed out and in need of a pick-me-up? Do you find yourself constantly reaching for caffeine and sugary snacks just to keep you going? Well, how about trying a slightly unconventional solution – color breathing?

Now before you roll your eyes and dismiss it as yet another hippy-dippy new age fad, hear me out. This technique is no joke! By saturating your body with the power of colors, you can achieve balance, relaxation, and rejuvenation.  And hey, it’s more fun than sitting in a quiet room and meditating, right? So let’s explore the wondrous world of color breathing!

Let’s start with the basics. To begin color breathing, find a comfortable seated position and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Close your eyes and envision a color that resonates with you.

Maybe you’re feeling fiery and passionate, so you visualize red. Or perhaps you’re in need of some calming energy, so blue is your go-to hue. Once you’ve chosen your color, take a deep breath in and imagine that color filling your lungs and your body. As you exhale, visualize any negativity or stress leaving your body along with a cloud of black smoke. Then, repeat the process with each successive breath until you feel fully immersed in your color.

But don’t stop at just one color! Experiment with different shades and hues to see which ones have the greatest impact on your mood and energy levels. Maybe you’ll find that green makes you feel grounded and connected to nature, while yellow brings out your creative side. And if you’re feeling really daring, try combining colors for even greater benefits. Maybe you’ll discover that breathing in pink and purple together creates a feeling of positivity and confidence, or that orange and yellow are the perfect pairing for motivation and drive.

So the next time you’re feeling down or in need of a little pick-me-up, give color breathing a try. It may sound a little silly, but who knows? You may just find yourself living a technicolor life full of vibrancy and joy.

Happy breathing!

coloured flowers

Meaning of Colours

   Colours can have different meanings based on life experience, culture and traditions.  This circle is made of traditional meaning of colours in Western Culture.

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coloured flowers