Free breathing videos

Unwind after work

Unwind after Work

This immersive “Unwind after work” experience blends the soothing elements of breathing exercises, guided meditation, and carefully curated music.

3sec box breathing
Box breathing

3sec Box Breathing

Box breathing is a simple technique that can be swiftly acquired and has notable efficacy in moments of stress.

478 breathing exercises
478 breathing

478 Breathing

478 exercise is also called yogic breathing or the relaxing breath. This simple technique can help reduce stress and anxiety levels by inducing relaxation.

Physiological sigh

Physiological sigh

The physiological sigh: two deep inhales through the nose, followed by a full exhale is the fastest way to activate of neural circuits specifically for calming.

Instant calm breathing exercise

Instant calm

Simple yet effective breathing exercise for calming down and releasing stress is gradually elongating your exhale.

miniature Box exercises
Box breathing

3 rounds of Box Breathing

3 rounds of 3 breathing cycles will help your brain to relax and focus. Remember to inhale in your lower abdomen and to exhale through your nose or mouth!

for Anxiety relief
478 breathing

4-7-8 for Anxiety Relief

4-7-8 breathing is known as a “relaxing breath”. It really works. It helps to reduce anxiety and panic attacks.

Heart Coherence exercise

4:6 heart coherence exercise

Heart coherence exercise is a wonderful way to decompress and reduce stress, you might even fall asleep while doing it!

5-5-5 breathing exercise

5-5-5 breathing exercise

Amazing Calm Down exercise. Let the music bring you peace, happiness and deep relaxation.


Lung recovery

After a lung-related illness (covid, pneumonia, etc) you might find it difficult to do an exercise with long breathing cycles. Here is an exercise that serves as starting point to recovery with only 2 seconds of inhale and 4 seconds of exhale. it will prepare your body to more advanced breathing practice!